Tuesday, August 12, 2014

8/12/14. The post where we are pretend parents.

8/12/14: slept much better last night with my patient, long-suffering husband back home and felt better when I woke up.  Back down to a 5.  After the rain last night, it was much cooler this morning and I had a very enjoyable walk. So enjoyable that I walked much faster than I intended.  Maybe not such a good idea, in retrospect.  

My patient, long-suffering husband and I love to pretend.  Recently, we pretended to be pet owners, which was awesome.  This week, we are pretending to be parents to a teenager.  We have some friends who are out of town and their 17-year-old daughter is staying with us.  We've known her since she was a kid and she's stayed with us several times.  She is not your typical teenager - she is very friendly, she loves to cook, and she is really easy going.  Just the kind of teenager you want to have when you are a pretend parent.  

So far, our parental duties have included making dinner (which she helped us do) and sending her off to run some errands with her college-aged brother who is in town for the evening.  As she left, we told her to have a nice time and not to stay out too late.  Man, being a pretend parent is easy! 

Which is a good thing, because neither one of us was in any shape to handle serious parental duties.  My patient, long-suffering husband is hunkered down waiting for some surgical relief and I spent much of the evening at an 8.  Maybe it was the morning walk.  All I know is September 5 can't come fast enough.  

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