Monday, August 25, 2014

8/25/14. The post where it's a pretty good Monday.

8/25/14: Monday got off to a rough start.  I woke up in what I thought was the middle of the night.  We live very close to a freeway and when I listened, I realized there were entirely too many cars for it to be the middle of the night.  I looked over at the clock and shrieked, because it was 6:45am.  My alarm was set for 5:30am, just like it is every week day.  Unfortunately, due to user error, the volume was turned completely off on my phone, so the alarm had been silently trying to wake me up for an hour and 15 minutes.  The good news? I got some extra sleep.

I raced around getting ready and managed to be only 15 minutes late to work.  Of course, in order to do that, I missed my walk and I was already exhausted by the time I got to work.  Once I got to work, things began to look up.  I had a really good day at work and my foot stayed at about a 6 most of the day.  I had lunch with a niece I haven't seen in more than five years.  She has graduated from college recently and was in town interviewing for jobs.  What a wonderful place to be - young and full of energy, with an entire world open to you and endless possibilities.  I'm fairly certain I didn't fully appreciate that time in my life.  I hope she does.

My patient, long-suffering husband also had a better day.  He felt a lot better and worked almost a full day.  He is starting to look like himself again.  We made a nice, simple dinner at home and sat at the table like adults.  My foot got angry earlier than usual, but I made it through the evening.  I'm not sure how well I would be dealing with this if I didn't know help was on the way, and I'm glad I don't have to find out.  In the meantime, I'll just get up every morning and try to make it through the next 11 days.  And tomorrow I'll make sure the volume on my alarm is turned on.

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