Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18/14. The post where we start the final countdown.

8/18/14: lots of REM sleep (which means lots of strange dreams) and not enough deep sleep (which means not enough body repair), so I woke up freaked out and hurting.  My foot had gotten worse after my post last night, up to about an 8, and I had to use the magic cream.  I started the morning at a 7, but no vertigo.  Three days in a row with no vertigo - I think I've licked it for real this time.

I had a very productive day at work and got caught up enough to cover my absence the next two days.  My patient, long-suffering husband also had a productive day, checking off his work to-do list and going for his pre-op paperwork and testing.  We went to our favorite local sushi place for dinner, probably our last dinner out for awhile.  We finished a few small chores and settled in for an early bedtime.  It's another magic cream night.  I'm hoping for more deep sleep tonight, which should translate into a happier foot tomorrow.

We report to the surgical center at 11 am.  Presuming they start the procedure at a reasonable time, it will be a day surgery and we can sleep in our own bed.  We're both a little giddy right now at the prospect of him feeling better.  Giddy enough to get us through the next few days, which will probably be rough.  Think good thoughts for us.  

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