Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8/20/14. The post where I am stern.

8/20/14: my patient, long-suffering husband woke up multiple times in the night but still slept pretty well and woke up feeling much better and full of energy.  I think he was in so much pain before the surgery that even recuperating from surgery felt better. 

It was difficult to keep him from doing too much.  Since he hadn't eaten all day yesterday, I offered to make anything he wanted for breakfast and he chose French toast. Not what I would have chosen after 24 hours with no food other than a few saltines, but to each his own.  He tried to help me make it and I had to be a little stern with him to get him to sit down, a common theme for the day.  (Stern is my term...he had a different word for it.)  Later in the morning I relented and let him sit at the computer to take care of some business.  He did fine, but tired out after awhile and went back to bed to rest.  

He drifted in and out of sleep much of the afternoon and I used the opportunity to get a few chores done.  He woke up just before dinner time with a hankering for steak and a baked potato, which I obliged.  He made it through a movie and a stand-up comedy special before back going to bed for the night.

I was very impressed with his progress.  He has pain from the surgery and some residual nerve pain, but all in all, I would say he is doing much better and I'm amazed at how quickly he is bouncing back from the surgery.  So quickly that I am concerned he'll overdo it if I am not there to be stern with him.  Now the pressure is on.  I tend to recover slowly from surgeries, but maybe my competitive nature will kick in this time and I will recover more quickly.  I do love a good competition.

Since he is doing so well, I'm planning to return to work tomorrow as scheduled, although I'd love to stay home for one more day.  I spent all day in the 7-8 range again and even the magic cream didn't help today.  I'm hoping for some serious improvement tomorrow.  I think I earned it.  Being stern all day is hard.

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