Sunday, August 17, 2014

8/17/14. The post where I give myself a pep talk.

8/17/14: had trouble getting to sleep last night and had to get up earlier than usual this morning, but I started the day at a 5.  I played A/V nerd at church again this morning and then we said goodbye to our house guest.  She's a really good kid and I'm as proud of her as a pretend parent can be.

It's a miracle my patient, long-suffering husband made it through church services this morning.  He is just about at a breaking point.  Not sure what we'd have done if his surgery hadn't been moved up, but it think it would have involved my Swiss Army knife, a bottle of whiskey, and a bullet for him to bite. We spent the afternoon working on advertising and other administrative chores for the upcoming season of his music series and I did some chores around the house to get things ready for his trip home from the hospital.

And then I hit a wall.  In its usual mysterious way, my foot suddenly turned red late this afternoon and the pain ramped up to a 7.5.  That's a level I can normally work through, but I just didn't have it in me today.  Too many days without enough sleep + both of us in serious pain = a bad attitude on my part.  I allowed myself a little self-pity time, and then I gave myself a pep talk.

I reminded myself about the light at the end of the tunnel.  I thought about all of our friends and family who have sent good wishes and made offers to help out while we are on the road to recovery.  I remembered my sweet mom, who is going through a much more difficult experience with the same optimism and determination she taught me to have.  I counted our many blessings.

It didn't change the color of my foot or the pain level, but it sure made me feel better.  We are so close to some relief.  It's like that chapter in a Dan Brown novel where your heart is racing because it looks like the bad guy is going to win and the hero is doomed, but then less than 20 pages later, all is resolved in a neat, tidy package and the hero is off on a tropical getaway with his new love.  Sometimes I just have to remind myself to keep reading.  

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