Thursday, February 19, 2015

2/19/15. The post where I press my luck.

2/19/15: I have figured out that I need to work on my bedtime schedule before I start to look at other sleep aid options.  I can't expect to get seven hours of sleep if I am only in my bed for six hours.  Even if I could fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for most of that time, the math still doesn't work.  I resolve to do better.

The only word to describe my work day today is boring.  Not that I am complaining - I need boring days every now and then to gain at least some semblance of control over my workload.  And today was one of those days.  I spent most of the day reading and writing.  Not very glamorous, but I accomplished a lot.  This evening, our Lenten study group started in earnest, and then we came home to visit with a musician friend who is staying with us for a concert series this weekend.  I excused myself early to try to make good on my promise to go to bed earlier.  Even if I am unable to sleep, at least I am giving myself a fighting chance.

As I've mentioned previously, I've been trying to change stimulator programs more frequently at the suggestion of my medical company rep, but I must admit I have developed a favorite program.  And it happened to be the program I was using when my flare up finally calmed down last weekend, so I've been afraid to change it at the risk of jinxing myself.  Late this afternoon, I started to feel my foot getting worse, so I decided (reluctantly) I'd better change the program.

Bad move, I think.  My foot got gradually worse all evening.  Would it have done that anyway, even if I hadn't changed programs?  Or maybe it got worse because I kept the same program for too long this week?  Either I changed the program too soon or not soon enough.  Or it's just dumb luck and no stimulator program in the world could have helped.  Tonight's pain was not the red, splotchy, burning kind. Instead, it was the completely pale, several degrees colder than the other foot, numb stinging kind.  This kind doesn't happen as often, but it is just as annoying. I will give the new program the rest of the evening to do its job, but in the morning I am moving on unless it feels significantly better.  

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