Monday, February 2, 2015

2/2/15. The post where I remember that my life is strange.

2/2/15:  time to play catch up.  Saturday was cold and wet.  It rained steadily all day, which is highly unusual for my little slice of the country.  I had a lot of administrative work to do for Saturday evening's concert, so I was able to stay hermetically sealed in my warm, dry home for most of the day.  As soon as I left the house for the concert, however, my foot figured out that it had been tricked and immediately went into "tantrum" mode.  

After the concert, the musicians and a few friends came over to celebrate.  Our house guests were witty and interesting and the hours passed quickly.  A little too quickly.  Before I knew it, it was 1am.  Which meant I had to be packed, ready, and in the car within six hours.  Which didn't leave much time for sleep, presuming my foot would have allowed it.  I had no one to blame but myself, though.  

Sunday was a blur.  I was traveling for a work meeting involving a lot of fancy people flying to a remote location, which meant the logistics were difficult.  (Herding cats kind of difficult.)  An hour and a half drive to meet up with a colleague, another four hour drive to get to the meeting location, rental van pickup, multiple airport pickups, a group dinner, and a trip to the hotel. My foot was really angry with me, and rightfully so, and it responded by holding its breath until it turned purple.  I guess I deserved it.  At least the weather was warm.

Until this morning.  The bad weather followed me to the meeting location and today was significantly colder and more wet than yesterday.  I spent the first half of the work day shuttling said fancy people between multiple locations and the second half of the work day in a meeting.  Not my two favorite things.  But I made it through without any permanent damage to me, my (fancy) passengers, or my rental van.  And I think the meeting was successful.  I am neither a tour guide nor a chauffeur, but you wouldn't know it from seeing me for the last few days.  

I capped off the evening by having dinner with a federal judge.  (Long story...)  My foot is not thrilled, but it is much better than it was this time last night.  Tomorrow is a travel day and I hope to get some rest before being back in the office the following day.  Musicians, judges, generally fancy people, all in one weekend - yes, my life is strange.  But there is rarely a dull moment.  

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