Friday, February 20, 2015

2/20/15. The post where I get lots of little surprises.

2/20/15: first things first...I forgot to tell you about my manicure yesterday and I know you are dying to know the color.  Vampsterdam, from the OPI Holland collection.  With my earlier bedtime, I got about 30 additional minutes of sleep last night.  Hey, I'll take it.  

It was just enough warmer this morning that I was able to walk outside before work.  While my foot didn't feel great, I did not have any crazy colors or swelling afterward, which I took as a good sign.  I got my first little surprise when I put my boots on before work this morning.  They've seen a lot of miles over the last two years and it shows.  Or rather, it did show. My patient, long-suffering husband polished and shined them last night after I went to bed and they looked brand new.  Yep, he's a keeper.

I spent much of my work day trying to keep people from making mistakes, with varying degrees of success...a typical work day for me.  I broke up the work day with a nice, long talk with Mom, which always makes the day better.  When I came home, I got a lot more little surprises.  My patient, long-suffering husband is off work on Fridays (in theory, at least) and he had been very productive.  He bought new herbs and tomatoes for us to plant this weekend.  He also combed a few local thrift/antique shops and found some unique cocktail glasses and cheese plates to add to my collection.  It felt like my birthday, only better, because I got presents without having to be a year older. I'm a very lucky girl.

I repaid his kindness by not asking him to go out to dinner with our musician friend.  He's been very patient about going to events where he has to watch everyone else eat and I figured he deserved a break.  And I had a lovely dinner, so everyone won.

I changed my stimulator program this morning, but it didn't do much good.  My foot didn't have a great day, but the rest of me sure did.  It will be another fairly quiet weekend, with another cold, rainy front coming in.  At this point, I have no idea what to expect, but I hope my foot will be as full of nice little surprises as my patient, long-suffering husband is.

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