Monday, May 19, 2014

5/19/14. The post where I (just barely) keep my winning streak intact.

5/19/14: different day, same pattern.  Woke up early with my foot around 6.5, but it got better as I got up and started getting ready and the color was pretty good.  I spent much of the day sitting in a meeting without being too uncomfortable.

After the meeting, I made the three hour drive back home.  It was an extremely windy day, as I discovered when I stopped to get gas.  I stopped at a large truck stop/convenience store and was surprised to see everyone staring at me as I walked inside.  Are they that surprised to see a woman in a business suit?  When I walked into the ladies' room, I discovered the real reason they were staring.  The wind had blown my hair completely straight up in the air on one side and plastered it to my head on the other side.  I looked like I had walked out of an avant garde foreign film from the '60s.  I would have stared at me, too.

I made it home just in time for handbell practice, which was abbreviated because my patient, long-suffering husband was recuperating from his epidural injection.  While my foot did not feel quite as good as it has the last few days, it stayed under 7 all day, so I am going to call it a win.  Tomorrow is my last travel day before our vacation, a six-hour round trip.  If I can make it through tomorrow without a meltdown, it will be a good sign.  And if I can't, at least I had three good days in a row. 

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